"I am happy to present "Autoamputation," the new tape from longtime New Forces ally Body Carve. Building on the success of recent well-received efforts for White Centipede Noise and Gutter Bloat, Body Carve continues to impress with harsh noise that features a heavy dose of scrap metal destruction. Working in the best of the Americanoise tradition, Body Carve smashes lines of audio into a maelstrom of white hot sound that can pull the listener into a trance before rudely pummeling them with an expertly placed transition. "Autoamputation" has that rare blend of intensity and textural precision found only in the best harsh noise, maintaining the feel of the destroyed objects without sacrificing volume. The best of current harsh noise." –New Forces
Purchase: https://newforces.bigcartel.com/product/body-carve-autoamputation-cassette
Stream: https://newforces.bandcamp.com/album/autoamputation